The Round hut Village

Ethel Paraiwa-Murray, Executive Director

Leonie Keen, Secretary and Media Director

Bruce Murray, Computer Technology Director

Suzanne Berkeley, Office Manager

Christopher Mawere, Financial Officer

The Round Hut Team

 The Round Hut Village (RHV) is a unique non-profit organization that offers fundraising events that focus on healthy lifestyles and life empowerment. The fundraisers sustain and develop our ongoing services and programs that provide ultimate well-being for women and young people.

RHV also offers world community organizations the perfect causeway to link with other communities around the globe through our diverse network of facilitators, presenters, performers and community partners. 

Making a Difference...

About the Founder, Tete Sarudzai (also known as Ethel Paraiwa-Murray)

The Round Hut Village is an idea of a woman inspired by her own life story, whose passion to assist those experiencing difficulties in life, especially children, is a natural gift she shares freely through her nurturing, empathy and compassion. Tete Sarudzai is committed to using the The Round Hut Village as a portal for providing children with safe homes, education, healthy living and ALL the love they all deserve. Her desire is to empower women to inspire their youth, promoting in them positive growth for being independent and successful in the future.  

 "Would you like to take part in a global empowerment platform, where you have the unique opportunity to engage with people and organizations around world who are committed to offering life-sustaining concepts and services to their communities?"